gautam's component library

This is a component library created by Gautam Balamurali to better design each element.

After creating this library he is going to use the components in his portfolio, blog and all projects created. This will ensure that all his projects have consistent themeing and styling.


The biggest heading h1

The second biggest heading h2

This is normal text. Long running text would look like this on your website. This will auto fold based on the width.

This is relatively smaller text.


@fluid container

This is going to be a fluid container. It will go full width of page. With some margin.

@center container

This is going to be a center container. It will go till a given width and center content.


Primary Link Secondary Link


unordered lists

We don't want to show bullets in the unordered list. We'll remove that with CSS.

inline lists

Instead of going in a new row, we will create a list which will take columns.

reverse ordered lists

Counting of will go reverse for this list.

  1. something
  2. something else
  3. something elser


Navigation is used on the top of the page and used to get to different pages.


this is heading h1 inside header


A section is used to separate parts of pages. In marketing websites you would have seen a header followed by sections of features, team, pricing, contact info etc.

@normal section

heading inside section

Text defining this section and many more things.

Primary Button

@an off white section

inside off white section

Text defining this section and many more things.

Primary Button
